The season of Lent at South Highland offers all a reminder to examine ourselves in the light of God’s love, perceive where our devotion to Christ may have cooled, and pray to honestly repent – all in anticipation of the joyous celebration of Jesus’ Easter Sunday resurrection. Join us as we make this journey together.
Lenten Devotional
Be sure to check your email each morning for our daily Lenten devotionals (subscribe here). This year, we are hearing from graduates and staff of the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary in scripture from the daily Lectionary and messages written to help us focus and anticipate. Click here for a PDF of all the devotionals.
Weekly Wednesday Vespers
Each Wednesday during Lent, we gather for quiet worship in the beautiful Chapel of South Highland, with music for the season and the sacrament of Holy Communion. Services begin at 6:30 p.m. and are preceded by supper at 5:30 p.m. in Davis Family Hall.
March 24 – Palm Sunday
Celebrate with us the triumphant entry into Jerusalem of Jesus Christ, as he begins his journey to the cross on Good Friday. Both services, at 8:30 and 11:00 a.m., will include the sacrament of Holy Communion.
March 28 – Maundy Thursday
This powerful evening worship service takes us through Jesus’ last night, including the Last Supper, fervent prayer in the garden, his arrest, trial, journey to the cross and crucifixion. Following 5:00 p.m. supper in Davis Family Hall, we gather at 6:00 in the Sanctuary for worship. The service will also be livestreamed here, on Facebook and on YouTube.
Good Friday Noon Worship
Jesus is nailed to the cross, is tormented, speaks his last words, and gives up his spirit. The curtain in the temple is ripped from ceiling to floor. Come to the Sanctuary, now stripped of its paraments, for this meaningful service, or watch it by livestream here or on YouTube.
March 30 – Easter Egg Hunt
Bring your kids to join in the fun and excitement at McCallum Park in Vestavia Hills for SHPC’s Easter Egg Hunt! The hunt begins promptly at 10:30 a.m. Bring your own picnic lunch and stay for fellowship with your South Highland family. Get directions and more info here.
March 31 – Easter Sunday
“He is risen! He is risen, indeed!” Easter Sunday sees the Sanctuary beautifully adorned with fine flowers and includes some of our most favorite hymns and celebratory music, including the “Halleluiah” chorus, as Christ’s resurrection is celebrated. Both services this Sunday will be in the Sanctuary, with the 11:00 service available by livestream.