See the most recent project update by clicking here.
We are blessed to worship in this beautiful church built by the faithful and generous followers of Jesus who came before us. Now, we have the opportunity to look forward and prepare a place for future generations to hear the good news of God’s love for us in Jesus Christ.
The Building for the Future capital campaign, combined with our Annual Stewardship appeal, is about creating a vibrant, hospitable space for the proclamation of the gospel in Birmingham’s Southside for decades to come.
Our prayer is that through this capital campaign, God will use South Highland to bless our neighborhood, our city, and our world—all for His glory.
Like our predecessors, we’re invited to practice sacrificial stewardship to meet the needs before us. We encourage you to prayerfully consider offering your gifts by asking, “Lord, what do you want to do through me?”
Join us as we build upon South Highland Presbyterian Church’s firm foundation.
Children’s Campaign Firstfruits
SHPC’s children held their own special Building for the Future fundraising effort which included constructing a cool kids’ version of the SHPC building. During the campaign, they collected spare change totaling $108.43. See below for photos of their project display in the Library Gathering Area.
SHPC ministries have impacted countless members, neighbors and more over our church’s history. In this video, you’ll see how supporting South Highland means supporting important work that has meaning.