We believe God has called us to be a church in the city and for the city.
We seek the peace and flourishing of Birmingham and our surrounding neighborhoods by working with and supporting ministry partners throughout the community.
We encourage you to prayerfully consider how God is calling you to use your time, resources, and skills to serve others.
Below is a list of some of our ministry partners. More information coming soon.
Feed My Sheep
Twice a month we provide bags of groceries to persons in need of food. To learn how you can help, contact Kelly Troiano.
South Highland Outreach Project (SHOP)
A high-quality, faith-based program to improve quality of life, social connections, health and job readiness for people living with mental illness. Click to learn more or, to volunteer, contact Rob Staffen.
STAIR Tutoring
The single greatest predictor of high school graduation and career success is third grade reading proficiency. Yet 75% of Birmingham students are currently unable to reach reading benchmarks. South Highland STAIR (Start The Adventure In Reading) volunteers are paired with one student whom they tutor twice a week at Hayes K-8 School, a school located in our church’s neighborhood. Click here to learn more about STAIR.
Kairos Prison Ministry
A interdenominational team of volunteers enters Donaldson Correctional Facility twice a year to bring the good news of Christ’s love and forgiveness to prisoners. Each Inside Weekend leads participants on a journey of self-examination and gives them an opportunity to experience God’s agape love in very real ways. Click here to learn more, or email John Heiser.
Other local partners and ministry opportunities
Good Sam – Provides assistance with utilities, rent, medical and dental care, medications and food for church members and community members.
Habitat for Humanity – Habitat for Humanity provides volunteers and funding each year to help build an affordable house for a low-income family. SHPC has helped with builds for more than 25 years. Click here for more info. To volunteer, contact Don Koch.