How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!
Psalm 133:1 9 (NRSV)
Throughout the Bible we see instructions to encourage one another and verses that are meant to encourage us. Why is encouragement emphasized in the Bible? Primarily because encouragement is necessary to our walk of faith. In our own lives, we all know that things can be difficult. In places where Christians experience overt persecution or hatred, the difficulties can be, for us, unimaginable.
Our Global Witness theme this year is mutual encouragement. SHPC Global Witness supports many missionaries around the world, so that God’s love would be made known and God’s children encouraged.
This year’s Global Witness Season is being focused into one week of special events and services. We hope you can join us for as many of these events as possible:
- Monday, February 12 – Presbyterian Women are invited to join in a Zoom meeting with a special Global Witness guest. Details will be sent by email.
- Monday, February 19 – Dinner with the Dimmocks Missionaries Frank and Nancy Dimmock will be visiting from their post in Africa.
- Tuesday, February 20 – SHALOM The Gimmicks will speak at this month’s SHALOM luncheon at 11 a.m. in Davis Family Hall
- Sunday, February 25 – Tom Boone Our friend Tom from The Outreach Foundation will join us for a special joint adult Sunday School in Davis Family Hall and will preach at both worship services.
The Global Witness Offering will be received on Sunday, February 25. Watch for pledge envelopes in the pews or click below to make your pledge or gift. Be sure to select “Global Witness” in the fund menu.