My name is John Johnson I live in Wisconsin. dfasdf
Kairos Prison Ministry

Kairos Prison Ministry

Kairos is a Christian faith-based ministry which addresses the spiritual needs of incarcerated men, women, youth, and their families. By sharing the love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, Kairos hopes to change hearts, transform lives and impact the world.

 I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’

Matthew 25:36
William E. Donaldson Correctional Facility

Members of South Highland have served on Kairos teams for many years, primarily at William E. Donaldson Correctional Facility in Bessemer. The Inside Weekend is a tightly focused series of activities and talks designed to demonstrate the agape love of God through Jesus Christ for all people. Each and every weekend, miracles do happen, and lives are changed.

The next Kairos Inside Weekend at Donaldson begins Thursday, May 9.

How Can I Help?

Kairos is always ready to welcome new volunteers (contact John Heiser if you’re interested) but we know that going inside a maximum-security prison isn’t necessarily for everyone. Instead, there are many ways to respond to Christ’s call to minister to those in prison:

  • Sign up for the Prayer Vigil, which runs from Thursday at 3pm until Sunday at 3pm. Choose one or more half-hour time slots and lift up the participants and team members. Click here and be sure to set the time zone to Central Time before filling in the info.
  • Bake Cookies The team carries hundreds of dozens of cookies inside for the participants to enjoy all weekend long. Package them 2 dozen at a time in clear zipper baggies and bring them to the church no later than Noon Wednesday, May 8. No icing or sprinkled sugar on top or nuts inside. Brownies and Rice Krispie treats are favorites, too!
  • Donate to support the purchase of food for the five meals the team prepares and takes in, and for study materials and supplies. You can place a check in the offering plate, made out to South Highland and designated for Kairos. Or click here to donate online. Be sure to check the “in honor of someone” option and write Donaldson, and designate your funds for Alabama.
  • Decorate Placemats for the inmate participants’ meals. Get your kids, grandkids, Sunday School classes, to decorate blank placemats with pictures and encouraging words or Bible verses. Artists may sign their work, but please use first names only.
  • Join the Kitchen Team which prepares off-site and delivers three lunches and two dinners to the participants and team members.