The 2024 Officer Nominating Committee asks that the membership of SHPC prayerfully consider persons to be nominated for the office of 6 Deacons, 6 Elders and 1 Trustee, Class of 2027. All active confirmed members are eligible for election to these boards and members are encouraged to make nominations.
The Office of Elder provides for the mission and governing of the church and the Office of Deacon is a ministry of compassion “to those who are in need, the friendless, and to any who may be in distress.” Officers must be active in regular worship and participation in the life of our congregation, as well as pledging financially to undergird the ministries and missions of SHPC. Please do NOT inform persons being suggested to the Nominating Committee that their names are being proposed. Please place your suggestions in the offering plate on Sundays or complete the form below by Saturday, April 20, 2024.
THE 2024 OFFICER NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Steve Messier, Todd Snyder, Jeannie Brandon, Stacye Thompson, Sarah Hewitt and Branum Lloyd. Current officers on the committee include: elders Suzanne Cornett (Chair), Christina Hurst and Charles Fowler, and deacon Emily Knight.
Officer Nomination Form
Please use this form to submit suggestions to the Officer Nominating Committee for the next class of SHPC Elders and Deacons, to be installed next January.