Are you ready to make a real difference in our community? One hour of tutoring a first or second grader in reading will do just that. STAIR – Start The Adventure In Reading – is reaching many children throughout Birmingham City Schools.

First and second grade students come to STAIR two afternoons a week. They build a relationship with a tutor who is focused on their individual literacy needs and partners with them to start their adventure in reading. After completing the program, STAIR students are excited to pick up a book and read independently.
Most SHPC tutors are at Hayes K-8 School, located off Airport Highway, on Tuesdays and Wednesday afternoons from 3:15-4:30. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a teacher or to have any special talents. You will be trained and STAIR will provide everything you’ll need. If you can read on at least a first-grade level, you’ll do fine!
Just ask any of our many STAIR tutors about how working with STAIR has blessed their lives. You can register and get more information at stairbirmingham.org or contact Lu Mahon, 205-902-7848.