Sermons from 2023
The Revelatory Christ
Text: Revelation 1:9-20
You Are Greatly Loved
Text: Luke 2:1-20
The Prince of Peace Comes
Text: Isaiah 11:1-9; Matthew 1:18-25
Overwhelmed with Joy
Text: Luke 1:39-55
Tender Mercy with the Dawn of Hope
Text: Isaiah 40:1-11; Luke 1:57-67
Go Set a Watchman
Text: Isaiah 64:1-9, Mark 13:24-37
Long Live the King!
Text: Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24; Ephesians 1:15-23; Matthew 25:31-46
Thanksgiving for the Warm Wide Welcome of Home
Text: Philemon
Fruit of the Womb
Text: Leviticus 23:9-14; Romans 8:18-25
Blest Communion, Fellowship Divine
Text: 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, 51-58
A People, a Place, a Purpose: Go and Do Likewise!
Deuteronomy 26:1-11; Psalm 46; Luke 10:25-37
Temple Emanu-El Shabbat Message
Text: Genesis 12:1-4 Given at Friday Shabbat as interfaith pastors and guests attended to pray for peace in Israel in the face of aggression by Hamas.