My name is John Johnson I live in Wisconsin. dfasdf
Building Project Progress August 2024

Building Project Progress August 2024

Various projects of SHPC’s building renovation continue to make progress.


Repair work is fully underway on mortar joints in the exterior block of the 1926 Education Building (now housing our offices, library, youth and music suites). The process involves pressure washing the surfaces, preparing and injecting material into the joints.

Rotted Wood

Window frames and other rotted wood are being replaced with long-lasting mahogany.

Roof Repairs

Our church’s beautiful slate roof is being lovingly tended to.

G-15 and G-16

This is an additional project being funded by the South Highland Center, which has grown to need a bigger, more unified space to serve its clients. The wall between the two classrooms has been removed to create a large space that will help keep from having to move clients from room to room throughout the day. The new space also has a wall of beautiful cabinets and a countertop.