My name is John Johnson I live in Wisconsin. dfasdf


The Christmas Difference

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” John 1:5 The words above penned by the Apostle John almost 2000 years ago speak to the world in which Christ the Savior came. Under the rule of the harsh Roman Empire, the Jewish nation suffered much at the hands of their rulers. The phenomenal birth of Jesus brought many different characters together, whether they were angels, shepherds, wise men –all came together to worship the newborn…

Terrorism and War in Israel

Southside Faith Communities Public Statement of Support for our Neighbors and Friends October 12, 2023 As we write this, we know that both Israelis and Palestinians are living in a state of terror, as war rains down on civilians on both sides. We also know that the horrific violence in Israel and Gaza is exacerbating the fear of Jews, Muslims, and Palestinians living around the world, including here in Birmingham. As an interfaith organization, we focus our energies on what…

Why the PC(USA)

Pastor, editor and former GA moderator John M. Buchanan reflects on what drew him to the PC(USA)and what keeps him coming back. Originally published in Presbyterian Outlook. I am certain that I am not alone in occasionally wondering whether the whole notion of Protestant denominations is an anachronism; that maybe the elaborate denominational structures and traditions that evolved over the last 500 years or so have served their purpose and should now fade away. An even more disconcerting thought is that…

2022 Confirmand Faith Statements

Our confirmand class this year included Angeline Arden Turnbull, Bartley Stokes Goodrich, John Bartow Lloyd, and Patrick Grey Watts. Below is each confirmand’s personal faith statement: Arden Turnbull: I believe that God is the Creator of everything.  He loves me and all of his other creations, and wants me to enjoy all the beauty.  He will always help me overcome challenges.  God is always with me, can always hear me, and gives me strength when he knows I need it.  Even when I sin,…

Dr. Hurley visits Pakistan’s Forman Christian College

Dear South Highlanders, One of the things our youth at South Highland say consistently every summer, after they have been to Montreat Youth Conference and try to describe it to the congregation is, “You just have to be there to understand fully.“ That is certainly true of the crown jewel of Pakistan, Forman Christian College. Monday, March 28, our team spent the day at a remarkable institution that has had and is having an incredible impact in shaping the future…

Dr. Hurley Shares From Pakistan

Dearest South Highlanders, I’m writing you from Lahore, Pakistan. We are experiencing the amazing power of God at work through the small Presbyterian Christian communities, schools and churches we are visiting. I look forward to preaching the baccalaureate sermon this coming Sunday to graduates, their families and friends at Gujranwala Theological Seminary (Note: Dr. Hurley preached this service this past Sunday, and it can be viewed here.) Meanwhile, we all pray for Ukraine and those who are suffering such terrible…

Rev. Dr. Hurley’s First Days in Pakistan

Dear friends, After an exhausting 20 hour or so trip from Atlanta to Lahore, Pakistan, after our first night in the lovely Guesthouse of the Presbyterian education board, we were warmly greeted by members of the board on Wednesday morning with flower garlands, big smiles and greetings of hello in English and Salim, or Peace, in Urdu. We met with leaders there, Veeda Javaid, the amazing lady who heads the Presbyterian education board oversight of Presbyterian Christian schools across Pakistan,…