Some thoughts from Rev. Dr. Sue Westfall, General Presbyter of the Presbytery of Sheppards and Lapsley—January 2024
Greetings, friends,
As you know, the Presbytery of Sheppards and Lapsley is part of the PCUSA’s Matthew 25 initiative. As of today, 1,180 congregations have embraced the vision. In addition, 96 mid councils and 66 groups have committed to helping our denomination become a more relevant presence worldwide.
The Matthew 25 invitation focuses on Matthew 25:31-46, the parable of the sheep and goats in which Jesus makes clear that what we do matters to God, that how we treat others is important to God, and that Christ himself is present in the least of these.
When we welcome others, we welcome Christ; when we bring together people who are divided, we are doing God’s reconciling work. We are called to serve Jesus by contributing to the well-being of the most vulnerable in all societies―rural and urban, small and large, young and not-so-young. From affordable housing to community gardens to equitable educational and employment opportunities to healing from addiction and mental illness to enacting policy change, there is not just one way to be a part of the Matthew 25 movement.
What Matthew 25 makes clear is that Jesus is calling us to perform ordinary acts of compassion in daily life. In so doing, we continue Christ’s work of proclaiming release to captives and good news to the poor—the good news of God’s righteousness, justice and peace for all.
Two weeks ago, I attended the PCUSA’s Matthew 25 Summit held at New Life Presbyterian Church in Atlanta, Georgia. The three-day conference showcased dynamic speakers and preachers in both plenaries and workshops who called us to deepen our commitment and our actions toward the shalom of God’s Kindom. These sermons and presentations were edgy, uncomfortable, and inspiring. I invite you to watch these presentations on the link below and then let’s talk about it.
As ever in prayer,
As ever in prayer,